
Showing posts from March, 2019

Inception of Piracy Chapter 11

11 For the most part, life aboard the St. John was what the seamen called a ‘soft number’.  While a merchant ship of her size may have had twelve or fifteen men to work her, the pirates had over fifty.  Watches were short, duty light and the men friendly enough despite their rough appearance.  There had been several of the Sofie’s crew who had not signed the ‘articles’ and Wolridge treated them reasonably well.  They were given the same rations of food and drink as the rest, they were able to keep whatever personal effects they may have had and were not treated as lepers by the crew.  The only exception was Martin, the cooper.  He was an older man, set in his ways and refused not only to join but to help the pirates in any way.  Unfortunately, he had a skill they needed, most everything on a ship in those days being stored in barrels.  To Martin, Wolridge gave no choice.  They took off an ear to convince him to sign on.  None too friendly before, he was now sullen and withdrawn. A

An Inception of Piracy Chapter 10

10 Giovanni was assigned the larboard watch, opposite that of Matthews, Douglas taking whatever precautions he could against the two conspiring. The Sophie, like most merchant ships, was shorthanded and the two new arrivals were put to work immediately. It was, after all, free labor to Douglass. The work was hard, just like on any ship, the captain and mates more brutal than some, less than others. Some captains towed the line between keeping their crews fearful and working and beating them to death better than others. Douglass was not always sure of where that line was. The man Giovanni saw hanging in the rigging was cut down the second day he was aboard. Giovanni learned his name was Edward Chambers. His crime was falling asleep on his watch. Edward was also part of the larboard watch so he was below when Giovanni was. The other men took care of him as best they could but he was dead within the week, never having returned to duty. He left a young bride and son in

An Inception of Piracy Chapter 9

“Sail ho!” Captain Roger Douglass gazed up at the lookout. “Where away?” he shouted over the wind. “Right off the beam sir, to windward!” “My glass Mr. Dickson.” The mate of the watch handed him the spyglass. He opened it and trained it on the sea. Scanning the horizon, he saw nothing. Douglass was a short man with a large belly, a round, bald head, fleshy lips and hooded blue eyes. His features gave him a perpetually bored expression. He had a nice cargo and was headed for Williamsburg, only a week out of Plymouth. He didn’t want to see any ships on his way. Privateers were everywhere and with only six guns, his ship wasn’t a match for most of them. He didn’t want to see an English ship either. They would force him to heave to, board and press his best men. Then he saw it, a flash of canvas rising on a swell and then it was gone. “Mr. Parr!” he ordered. A tall young man in a maroon coat came to his side. He was the first mate, Douglass’ sister’s son.